How do you feel about ordering small businesses to remove their signs along the highway? Do you think it's time to reconsider the 'Ladybird Johnson' sign laws?
Did those of you who were at the meeting on Thursday, catch the reply made by the D.O.T. person when asked why they were not harassing the businesses in Soldotna.....she said "We haven't started there.....YET"
Sounds like what they will do this winter, when they don't have much else to do!
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Please consider 'The Peninsula Tattler to be your on-line newspaper - with no political ties to any group. Hopefully, you will send this site to your Kenai Peninsula friends and family, and that there will be some --- LIVELY DEBATES....
Would anyone like to discuss inititing a TAX CAP for the Borough?
Doesn't anyone want to discuss anything????
That would be amazing!
It seems the DOT is at work again....NOT helping local business.
The current argument over business signage is B__A__C__K!
Is this a rebirth of the 'Scenic Highway' program?
Are you in favor of this?
Did those of you who were at the meeting on Thursday, catch the reply made by the D.O.T. person when asked why they were not harassing the businesses in Soldotna.....she said "We haven't started there.....YET"
Sounds like what they will do this winter, when they don't have much else to do!
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